We are raising funds in memory of Azad bhai for WHO IS HUSSAIN because they will help to propagate social justice under the banner of Hussain (as).

In January 2018, Marhum Azadali Jafferali Kassam travelled to Iraq with his family to perform the Ziyarat of Imam Hussain (as). He was dialysed in both the Holy cities of Najaf and Kerbala. 

Azadali Jafferali Kassam dedicated his life as a servant of The Ahlulbayt (as) propagating the message of Imam Hussain (as). 

This page has been set up in the loving memory of Marhum Azadbhai with proceeds to Who Is Hussain - to continue the very propagation of social justice Azadbhai dedicated his life to.

Who is Hussain aims to inspire individuals through the timeless example of Hussain, and the values he stood for; those of justice and dignity. Our reps and volunteers organise events to give back to their local communities, ranging from blood donation drives to feeding the homeless and much more.

Charity Registration No. 1174175

Source: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/aza...